What you MUST know about Acorns Investing отзыв о компании

Lets discuss and review Acorns Investment App, go over all of its features, and whether or not it’s actually a good value — Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

Sign up for Acorns and get $5: https://share.acorns.com/graham_stephan

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What is Acorns?
The basic premise is that they’re an app that helps automate your investing. And their most notable feature, in my opinion, would be their “round up” feature — this lets you invest the spare change from what you spend, and you can just “round up” every single purchase to the nearest dollar to invest the difference.

They also give you the option to setup recurring investments on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis… again, the entire purpose of this app is just to help automate regular and consistent investing. They’ll also let you see, real time, what your investments COULD be worth depending on your contributions…so it’s really meant to get you thinking about the long term.

Now in terms of WHAT they invest in, they say “Your investments are then diversified across more than 7,000 stocks and bonds and automatically rebalanced when the market fluctuates.” So basically, they’re investing in broad funds that track the market, very similar to the vanguard index funds I always talk about on the channel.

And when it comes to this, Acorns is what’s called a Robo-Advisor — this has definitely gained some popularity lately with other companies like Wealthfront, Bettermint, and M1 Finance to name a few.

If we go to their pricing tier, we can see that their basic service begins at $1 per month:
With that, you get the Automated investing where they round up the charge and invest the difference

Then, for $2 per month, you get access to all of that, plus Acorns Later — which is their IRA.

And finally…for $3 per month, you’ll get access to their checking account with debit card.

So overall, looking through everything on Acorns and spending way too much time on this…here are my thoughts and what I REALLY think of it:
Acorns simplifies investing and making it incredibly easy, to the point where you don’t need to think about it. The concept of rounding up is clever, it’s gimmicky, and I can see how it works. If Americans aren’t going to think about investment, they can just invest on Autopilot without making any difference whatsoever except for setting up an Acorns account. So from that perspective, I really like it.

HOWEVER…what I consider a negative for Acorns, is that if you just want to straight up invest a small amount of money into an index fund…and what to do it for TOTALLY FREE, you can do that with Fidelity.

If you’re investing with more money, Acorns slowly becomes more and more worth it as the $1 fee becomes a smaller percentage of the total amount you have invested.

BUT…I’ll admit, using Acorns is WAY better than doing nothing. For people who just can’t seem to save and invest any money, or don’t really take an interest to investing…this is BY FAR better than the alternative of just not investing.

Just my opinion, not financial advice.

For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness@gmail.com

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  1. Jrthatguy
  2. rylee

    You ever think about going into the good side of politics once your in you see the lack of for the people because there for there party even tho the blank makes shtuff difficult

  3. rylee

    3:48 take out the R and im done too!

  4. rylee

    4:17 nothing like good old420

  5. alex ramirez

    Just cut my weed budget by $12 a year…awesome

  6. lunabird89

    I don’t get it don’t you get the acorns linked to checking bank account ? Why do I need a debit card

  7. T Koontz

    How much % do they charge if you decide to use the savings or cash out if it isn't for you? Do you actually have access to the $ if needed for emergencies?


    Thank you for this information Sir, we appreciate the help

  9. Santi Blondeee

    I’m currently investing with Acorns. Can I go negative or even owe money to Acorns while investing with them ?

  10. Eric Bell

    Which fidelity app is he speaking about?

  11. Xiomara De Los Reyes

    Lol grateful for your research! Respect!

  12. BBK BlackBoyKing

    U got me to smash that like button after he used a actual butt for but 😂😂😂😂 I’m trinna be serious man ‼️‼️‼️🤣🤣

  13. Keeton Charbonneau

    If you are a college student how should you go about signing up?

  14. jester jake

    By the way I would really like to hear more about expense ratios on dividend funds! Could you make a video of that please?

  15. Airotnas

    I am starting to use Acorn right now as an 18 year old college student. Let's see how it goes.

  16. Money Penny

    I only gave you a dislike just for specifying that you drink iced coffee

  17. Jose Bautista

    What the best app yo buy stock

  18. Admiral Shamayam

    I just Yolo everything on KO

  19. lazy kingdom

    I be watching ur videos

  20. Its me or whatever

    uumm… are we really discussing a one dollar a month charge? If anyone here is concerned about that cost, please god do not get involved in any kind of investing. You need help, real help. Start by maybe having a job? Cuz idk how the hell anyone is even batting an eye at a 1$ fee.
    I get scared at how stupid the world is. Because i feel very stupid and incapable as i am… yet theres still so many that amaze me with how bad they are at everything. Just big clueless toddlers. How does the world even function? Its insane.

  21. Gabriel Engle

    I just thought I’d mention the fact that you made that joke about Doug is what drove me to like the video even faster.😂

  22. Kevin Arzola

    I never got the fee on this tbh. I’m paying them, to make and lose my money and make money from my money that I let them borrow? Shouldn’t they be paying me? Lol

  23. J king

    LOL ,, "But" ….

  24. A Casual Data Scientist

    its now $3/month for the basic, need to delete this app its an absolute scam

  25. Naja Faysal

    couldnt redeem your 5$

  26. Brandon Briones

    Acorns was a great start for me, I was the type of person to blow my paycheck and not save anything. Having acorns being an extra layer to making access to that money much more tidious. I now have actual money saved that is working for me!

  27. Jonathan Leonard

    Hit the like button on the second request cuz it caught me off guard and made me laugh

  28. M V

    So what I got from this..Unless you've got 3k..your wasting your time. Got it. (Get 3k!)

  29. Vermont

    Acorn and cars for kids both money LAUNDERING scams.. stealing money.

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  31. Eduardo silva

    Butt, hahaha thanks Graham

  32. LongIsland_Stacker

    Even with the current $3 fee per month, $3 over a 40 years is $1440 total to have the account running… thats a small figure imo when my account is predicted to increase a couple hundred thousand in profits. What do you think?

  33. Clyde Reid

    Thanks for the review. Much appreciated.
